Can Pokemon Cards Fade? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Card Fading

Pokemon cards are a beloved collectible item for many people around the world. These cards feature colorful characters and intricate designs that are often considered works of art. However, many collectors wonder if their cards can fade over time and lose their vibrant colors.

The answer is yes, Pokemon cards can fade over time, especially if they are exposed to light. The type of light that they are exposed to will determine how quick the process is. The sun’s UV rays can wreak havoc on your card collection, causing them to fade and even become brittle. It’s important to take care of your collection and store them properly to prevent this from happening.

Can Pokemon Cards Fade

Understanding Pokemon Cards

Material Composition

Pokemon cards are made from a combination of materials, including paper and plastic. The front of the card is typically made from a glossy paper stock, while the back is made from a plastic coating. The plastic coating is designed to protect the card from damage and wear, but it can also make the card more susceptible to fading over time.

Ink Quality

The quality of the ink used to print Pokemon cards can also play a role in how quickly the cards fade. High-quality ink is less likely to fade over time, while lower-quality ink may fade more quickly. Additionally, the color of the ink can also impact how quickly the card fades. Darker colors are more likely to fade than lighter colors, so cards with a lot of black or dark blue ink may be more prone to fading.

Pokemon cards are made from a combination of paper and plastic materials, with a plastic coating on the back to protect the card. The quality of the ink used to print the cards can impact how quickly they fade, with higher-quality ink and lighter colors being less prone to fading.

Factors Influencing Fading

Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight is the most significant factor that causes fading in Pokemon cards. Sunlight contains UV rays that damage the cards over time. The more exposure to UV rays, the faster the cards will begin to fade. Even a few hours of direct sunlight exposure can cause significant damage to the cards.

To prevent sunlight exposure, it is best to store the cards in a cool, dark, and dry place. If you must display the cards, keep them away from windows and direct sunlight. Avoid using fluorescent or incandescent lights as they can also cause damage to the cards.

Humidity and Temperature

Humidity and temperature are also factors that can cause fading in Pokemon cards. High humidity levels can cause the cards to warp and bend, while low humidity levels can cause the cards to become brittle and crack. Extreme temperatures can also cause damage to the cards, causing them to fade and lose their color.

To prevent damage from humidity and temperature, store the cards in a place with stable temperature and humidity levels. Avoid storing the cards in basements, attics, or other areas with high humidity levels. Keep the cards in protective sleeves or cases to prevent warping and bending.

Handling and Usage

The way you handle and use your Pokemon cards can also cause fading. Frequent shuffling, bending, and touching the cards can cause them to wear out faster, leading to fading and loss of color. Using dirty hands or exposing the cards to liquids can also cause damage.

To prevent damage from handling and usage, handle the cards with clean hands. Avoid bending or shuffling the cards excessively. Use protective sleeves or cases when playing with the cards to prevent damage from liquids or other substances.

Prevention of Fading

Proper Storage

I always store my Pokemon cards in a cool and dry place to prevent fading. Humidity and moisture can cause damage to the cards, so it is important to keep them in a dry environment. I also make sure to keep them away from any sources of heat or direct sunlight.

Use of Protective Sleeves

To further protect my Pokemon cards from fading, I use protective sleeves. These sleeves are designed to protect the cards from any external damage, including sunlight and humidity. They are made of high-quality materials that help to keep the cards in good condition for a long time.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight is one of the biggest culprits of fading in Pokemon cards. I always make sure to keep my cards away from any direct sunlight. If I need to display my cards, I use UV-resistant frames or display cases. These are specially designed to protect the cards from any harmful UV rays that can cause fading.

Restoration of Faded Pokemon Cards

Professional Restoration Services

If you have a valuable, vintage Pokemon card that has faded over time, you may want to consider professional restoration services. These services can be costly, but they may be worth it if the card is rare and valuable.

Professional restoration services can include processes such as bleaching, color matching, and re-inking. These methods can help to restore the card to its original condition, but they may not be able to completely remove all signs of fading.

It is important to do your research before choosing a restoration service. Look for reviews and recommendations from other collectors to ensure that you are choosing a reputable service.

Do-It-Yourself Methods

If you are comfortable with a DIY approach, there are a few methods that you can try to restore faded Pokemon cards. However, it is important to note that these methods may not be as effective as professional restoration services.

One method is to use a white eraser to gently rub the surface of the card. This can help to remove dirt and grime that may be contributing to the fading. Be sure to use a clean eraser to avoid further damage to the card.

Another method is to use a UV light to help restore the color of the card. Place the card under a UV light for a few hours, but be sure to monitor it closely to avoid overexposure.

It is important to note that these methods may not be suitable for all types of cards, and they may not be able to completely restore the card to its original condition. Use caution when attempting DIY restoration methods and consider seeking professional assistance if the card is valuable.


Pokemon cards can fade over time due to exposure to light. The type of light that they are exposed to will determine how quickly the fading process occurs. It is important to store your Pokemon cards in a safe place away from direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting.

To ensure that you are purchasing authentic Pokemon cards, it is important to know how to spot fake ones. There are various methods for identifying counterfeit Pokemon cards, including examining the back of the card, feeling the surface of the card, and looking for printing inconsistencies.

Remember that no test or method for identifying counterfeit Pokemon cards is 100% conclusive, so it is important to use multiple methods to verify the authenticity of your cards. By taking proper care of your cards and being aware of how to spot fake ones, you can ensure that your Pokemon card collection remains valuable and enjoyable for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Pokemon cards lose their color over time?

Yes, Pokemon cards can lose their color over time due to exposure to light. The type of light they are exposed to will determine how quickly the process occurs. Sunlight and UV rays can cause the cards to fade and become brittle.

How can I prevent my Pokemon cards from fading?

To prevent Pokemon cards from fading, keep them out of direct sunlight and UV rays. Store them in a cool, dry place away from windows and other sources of light. You can also store them in protective sleeves or binders to further protect them from light exposure.

What should I do if my Pokemon cards are fading?

If your Pokemon cards are fading, there is not much you can do to restore their original color. However, you can prevent further fading by storing them in a cool, dry place away from light sources.

Do Pokemon cards lose value if they fade?

Yes, Pokemon cards can lose value if they fade. Collectors prefer cards that are in pristine condition, and faded cards are considered less desirable. However, the value of a card also depends on its rarity and popularity, so a faded card may still be valuable if it is rare or highly sought after.

Can scratches on Pokemon cards cause fading?

Scratches on Pokemon cards do not directly cause fading, but they can make the card more susceptible to fading and other damage. Scratches can expose the card to light and other environmental factors, which can cause it to fade or deteriorate more quickly.

Will storing Pokemon cards in a holder prevent fading?

Storing Pokemon cards in a holder, such as a protective sleeve or binder, can help prevent fading by blocking out light and other environmental factors. However, it is still important to store the cards in a cool, dry place away from light sources to ensure maximum protection.

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